
The granulator knowledge: What are the advantages of agricultural feed granulator equipment has introduced

Author by ZCME Pellet Mill

Effectively prevent the rabbits are picky eaters and nutritional intake imbalance the daily feed rabbit, rabbit farmers often eat rabbits material picking mixed powder feed and anxious to make a variety of feed ingredients and feed pellets are thoroughly mixed and pressed rabbit no greater way to picky eaters.

Have certain hardness pellet feed unlike wet mix powder so soft, greatly increase the hardness, very the rabbit love bite hard objects molars habits, would not for rabbits chew molars designed for rabbits put pieces of wood or branches.

Good palatability of feed pellets in the pressing process, the starch pasting in the mixed powder, so pressed into pellet feed has a certain flavor, increase the palatability of the feed pellets, can stimulate rabbit appetite, rabbits love eat, according to the determination, fed pelleted feed rabbits can increase 10% -15% of the feed intake.

Progress digestibility of feed rabbits eat feed pellets chewing longer, can promote into the multi oral secretion of amylase, the rabbits eat mouth full feed and saliva mixed stimulate intestinal peristalsis, greatly improved feed digestibility of nutrients. In addition, the feed pellet in the pressing process, via a short-time high-temperature, the combined effect of the high pressure, not only makes the feed of the starch gelatinization, protein organization, but also so that the activity increased, so that the feed containing the beans and cereal Tanaka some hinder digestion and utilization of nutrients substances (such as antitrypsin factor) passivation, these are advances in feed digestibility favor rabbit gastrointestinal digestion and absorption.

Disinfection, reducing disease pellet feed in the pressing process, via short-time elevated temperature up to 70 -100, can kill department parasite eggs and pathogenic microorganisms, a significant reduction in the rabbit disease. The practice confirmed fed pelleted feed rabbits diarrheal disease, stomatitis and pica addiction significantly reduce. Need to pay attention to is the rabbitry households in the processing pellets to air dry to prevent feeding moldy.

  Decrease feed extravagance fed pelleted feed reduces the picky eaters or grilled materials such as rabbits eat wet mix powder feed extravagant. It has been determined. Fed pelleted feed can save 15% of the feed.

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